Your search for "cattle" return 24 results.
African opinion leaders joined Ceva’s ReproSymp to boost cattle productivity and narrow the gap in growing need for meat and milk in Africa >
21th February 2019, Libourne - A white paper published by the World Economic Forum in January 2019, highlights the fact that 151 million children under the age of five are stunted in size and that the...
Feedback on the 2018 edition of the Sommet de l'Elevage >
The 2018 edition of the Clermond-Ferrand Livestock Summit was a great opportunity to meet people from the other side of the globe. From sub-Saharan Africa, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Cameroon and Sene...
VerY Diag: first field test against trypanosomosis >
VerY Diag, the first rapid field test for the diagnosis of bovine trypanosomosis, represents a major advance.
Reproduction Symposium organized in Abidjan: >
Ceva Animal Health organized in Abidjan the 1-2 of June a symposium on the Reproductive management in Tropical area.
Launch of Intertropical Africa ReprodAction Website >
Ceva Sante Animale has always demonstrated its commitment to Innovation.
Ceva ReprodAction Symposium in Kenya >
Optimizing the reproductive management is one of the major factors influencing the efficiency of dairy and beef production. For this reason, Ceva Animal Health organized the 9th of July a symposium on...
National cattle show in N'Gaoundéré (Cameroon) >
From April 4th to 6th, 2014 in N'Gaoundéré, the first national cattle show was organized in order to promote breeding in Cameroon.
Ceva contributes to optimize dairy cattle performance to fulfill increasing global mild demand >
The 2nd reprodAction Cattle Symposium gathered 300 cattle reproduction specialists in Nice (France) to improve the current reproductive management.
SOS - Ceva sponsored 3V vets carry on the fight against Sleeping Sickness >
SOS - Ceva sponsored 3V vets carry on the fight against Sleeping Sickness Ceva has been helping to fight the deadly disease sleeping sickness since 2006 in Uganda. This mini-documentary shows how afte...
Commitment for trypanosomosis control >
Every year Trypanosomosis kills 3 million cattle in Africa and costs 4,5 billion dollars