Ceva Intertropical Africa

Welcome to sub-Saharan Africa !!! and discover the video illustrating our "Intertropical Africa" group

Our distribution network of veterinarian medicines is located in :

  • Western Africa (Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin)
  • Central Africa (Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Central African Republica, Gabon)
  • East Africa (Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania)
  • Indian Ocean Islands (Madagascar, Mauritius)

Ceva is the only international laboratory investing significantly in Africa. We are specialized in manufacturing medicine aimed at the preventive and curative treatment of trypanocides, the successful answer to internal and external anti-parasitics as well as a whole range of specialities adapted in the specific conditions of the African market. We also have a complete range of reproduction products which allow us to actively participate in projects for genetic improvement (heat synchronization…).

As a leader in avian vaccine production and a major actor in the fight against Gumboro and Newcastle diseases, we provide new successful and  innovative vaccines, including vectorised vaccines.

Using  its strategy, growth and solid, field experience in more than 50 countries, Ceva Intertropical Africa accompanies all their partners in a mutual commitment that goes beyond pure  Animal health.


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